Landowner Stories
"I am very pleased with Farmers National Company. In this time of frequent inefficient service and lack of caring by many, your company is a breath of fresh air."
Grain Marketing
We recognize the need for a sound grain marketing program with our farm management services. The prices received for grain production determine the level of profitability in your farming operation. Our grain marketing director analyzes daily market information, new market opportunities, insurance considerations, and current government farm programs to provide direction for marketing client grain throughout the crop year. Our grain marketing director also keeps farm managers and clients informed about the factors affecting grain price movement, both short-term and long-term, throughout the year.
We recognize the need for a sound grain marketing program with our farm management services. The prices received for grain production determine the level of profitability in your farming operation. Our grain marketing director analyzes daily market information, new market opportunities, insurance considerations, and current government farm programs to provide direction for marketing client grain throughout the crop year. Our grain marketing director also keeps farm managers and clients informed about the factors affecting grain price movement, both short-term and long-term, throughout the year.