Simulcast Auction
- Status
- Location
- Tract Type
- Acres
- Active
- Martin County, Minnesota
- Multi-Tract
- 160 ± Acres

Simulcast Auction
The live auction will be held on April 8, 2025, at 10:00 AM, at the Lake Belt Bar & Grill, 103 E Main St, Ceylon, MN 56121. Online bidding will begin on April 7, 2025, at 10:00 AM and close at the end of the live event.
We are offering two prime tracts of land in Martin County via a buyers' choice auction. These well-maintained tracts are conveniently located west of Ceylon, Iowa. Tract 1 boasts a CPI of 86.49, while Tract 2 has a CPI of 92.84. Both tracts are smaller in size and feature highly tillable land, making them ideal for farming and manageable for any potential buyer. Whether you are looking to make your first land purchase or seeking to expand your existing land holdings, these properties are an excellent opportunity!
Property Directions
Tract 1: From Ceylon MN, go West on 35th Street for three miles then South on 90th Street for 1/2 mile. 80-acre farm is on the East side of the road.
Tract 2: From Ceylon MN, go west on 35th Street for two miles, then north for one mile on 100th Ave., an 80-acre farm is on the east side of the road.
Listing Information
Legal Description
South Half of of the Southwest Quarter (S1/2 of SW1/4) of Section Twenty One (21) in Township One Hundred and One (101) North Range Thirty Two (32) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Martin County, Minnesota.
Annual Taxes
Size Acres
Acreage Breakdown
Non-crop: 0.10
Crop Info
Corn / Base: 48.50 / Yield: 168.00
Soybeans / Base: 30.60 / Yield: 45.00
Related Documents
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.
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Online Bidding
- Start Date: Apr 07, 2025
- Bidding Time: 10:00 am
In-Person Bidding
- Start Date: Apr 08, 2025
- Bidding Time: 10:00 am
- Location: 103 East Main Street, Ceylon, Minnesota

Real Estate