Simulcast Auction
Holt County, Nebraska
± 341
Simulcast Auction
Simulcast Auction!
The live auction will be held on Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 1:30 PM, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 408 West Douglas Street, O'Neill, Nebraska 68763. Online bidding will begin on Monday, March 13, 2023, at 8:00 AM and close at the end of the live event.
Property Location:
Property Location: From O’Neill, Nebraska (junction of U.S. Highway 20 and 281), travel north on U.S. Highway 281 6 miles to paved 877th Road, travel west 3 miles to 489th Avenue, then north 2 miles to 879th Road, then west 1 mile to the southeast corner of the Tract #1.
Tract #1 Description:
Pasture with 39.47 acres of CRP expiring September 30, 2025. Native grass pasture featuring two nice dams plus one windmill for livestock water. Highly accessible native pasture adjacent to 879th Road and 488th Avenue. Excellent fences, plus several nice tree belts. Very well-maintained pasture with excellent fences and water. Tract #1 lays directly adjacent to Tract #3, with no division fence between the tracts. Buyers of Tracts #3 and #1 shall be responsible for their respective 50% share of any division fence necessary or desirable on the property, including labor and materials.
Tract #2 Description:
Nice and attractive building site with home located 12 miles north and west of O’Neill, Nebraska. High and sightly building site with good views of the surrounding countryside. This 1½ story home was built in 1955 and remodeled with a new basement in the 1990s. Total square footage at 1,280 square feet. Very well kept home. Very nice fully insulated shop building of 30’ x 48’ with three overhead doors. Additional garage plus storage shed.
If you have been looking for a country acreage near O’Neill, please call the agent. This acreage deserves your inspection.
Tract 3# Description:
Tract #3 offers 240 acres of native pasture, located directly north of and adjacent to Tract #1. This pasture features two excellent windmills, plus one dam for livestock water. Access from 488th Avenue. Nice laying pasture with excellent fences and water. There currently is no division fence between Tract #3 and Tract #1. Buyers of Tracts #3 and #1 shall be responsible for their respective 50% share of any division fence necessary or desirable on the property, including labor and materials.
Tract #4 Description:
Tract #4 offers 480 acres of native pasture offering three electric submersible wells and tanks. This tract also features three dams, plus excellent fences. Full possession for the 2023 grazing season.
Note: Free-standing corrals, panels, alleyways, and mineral/salt feeders are the tenants, and shall be removed by the tenant as weather permits.
Listing Information
CRP Contract: 39.47 acres currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program. Payment rate of $66.42 per acre. Contract expiration September 30, 2025
Legal Description
Northeast Quarter (NE¼), Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE¼NW¼), Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW¼SE¼), and East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E½SE¼) of Section 17 less 10+/- containing the building site; Township 30 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Holt County, Nebraska. 310+/- acres
Annual Taxes
Size Acres
Acreage Breakdown
Crop Info
Wheat / Base: 5.00 / Yield: 29.00
Oats / Base: 4.00 / Yield: 41.00
Corn / Base: 23.00 / Yield: 191.00
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.
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