Simulcast Auction
Lancaster County, Nebraska
± 91.56
Property For Sale
The McLaughlin family is offering approximately 109+/- acres (pending survey). The acres are almost entirely pivot irrigated by three systems tied into a shared well. The south pivot water is supplied underground from the same main well. The property is comprised of mostly Class 2 and 3 soils. FSA will divide base acres and yields after the sale. The information below represents the 156EZ for acres included in the sale and retained by the seller.
All associated equipment is being sold WITH the land. Pivots, well, gearhead, power unit, power panels, and miscellaneous gated pipe. The propane tank is not owned and does not sell with the property. The main power supply point is located on Road V directly west of the well. The power meter for the southmost pivot is located along the southern property line.
Property Location:
From Sutton, Nebraska travels one and one-half miles west on Highway 6. The acres are being offered to start at the half-mile line between Road V and Road W on Highway 6. The acres are broken into two parcels by the highway.
Listing Information
Legal Description
Approximate until survey in progress is completed: Part of E1/2 SW1/4 and E1/2 S1/2 NW1/4 all in Sec 9, Township 7N, Range 5W of the 6th P.M. in Clay County, Nebraska
Crop Info
Corn / Base: 89.00 / Yield: 170.00
Soybeans / Base: 42.00 / Yield: 61.00
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.
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