Standard Listing
Rush County, Kansas
± 198
Simulcast Auction
Land For Sale!
Looking for upland game? This is your farm!! With 160 acres of established native grass, there is already a healthy bird population.
This farm has crop land that sits right in the middle of the 160 acres of CRP. Not only will there be income from the CRP, but that cropland will also be a source of income while providing feed for your upland game birds.
The CRP grass is well established and is tall and thick throughout. Plenty of cover and nesting for the birds. There was also an abundance of doves flying around the pasture. The pasture could continue to hold cattle for another source of income or could be given the time to let them grow up for more coverage. There are some cedars and other trees starting to grow in the pasture. There is the possibility of some whitetail deer hunting on this farm as well. There is feed, cover in the CRP, and a water source with the windmill. A quail guzzler has been installed on the far west end of the pasture that sits just inside the fence line of the CRP. This guzzler provides a water source when there is rain and protection from hawks.
If hunting upland birds is a big part of your recreational time, or you are looking for a property with great potential to develop for whitetail deer hunting, this property is for you!
Listing Information
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.
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