Standard Listing
Louisa County, Iowa
± 39.37
Simulcast Auction
The live auction will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 10:00 AM, at Morning Sun Community Center, 106 North Main Street, Morning Sun, Iowa. Online bidding will begin on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 8:00 AM CST and close at the end of the live event.
The farm is a high-quality 87 CSR2 farm that is split by State Hwy 78. Tract 1 consists of 71.9 FSA tillable acres and Tract 2 consists of 118.74 FSA tillable acres. Natural drainage for both tracts. Some tile exists on Tract 1 but there are no tile maps available. River Terminals and commodity processors are located within trucking distance.
Listing Information
Legal Description
Tract 1 in Section 29 and Tract 2 in Section 32 all in Township 73N, Range 4W, 5th PM(Morning Sun Township). Please contact agent for detailed legal description on each tract.
Annual Taxes
Size Acres
Acreage Breakdown
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.
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