Standard Listing
Sherman County, Texas
± 685.23
Property For Sale
We are pleased to offer 2,768+/- acres in southeastern Floyd County. If you are looking to grow or start your agricultural operation, this property presents a diverse investment opportunity for farming and ranching. The combination of water, size, and location make it a valuable asset in the competitive Texas agricultural market.
Nearly 80% Pullman clay loam, 0 to 1% slope.
The property is leased to an excellent long-time tenant for the 2025 calendar year.
Minerals will be reserved.
Please contact listing agent to schedule showings.
Property Directions
South of Dougherty, Tx. From the intersection of SH 62 & SH 70 in Floydada proceed east on SH 62 for 14miles; turn south on FM 28 and proceed 2.5 miles; keep right to continue on to CR 293; proceed approximately .8 mile to the north boundary line
Listing Information
50 acre tract & 39 acre tract of drip irrigation on 80" spacings
7 irrigation wells, equipped with submersible pumps.
(These wells have not been test pumped, but are reported to pump)
* 2 wells for west drip tract & row water - total of 320 gpm
* 3 wells for center pivot field - total of 500 gpm
* 1 well for east drip tract - 140 gpm
* 1 well for east row water - 200 gpm
Center pivot system, engines & generators for 2 wells, portable cattle panels, and electric fencing equipment are owned by the tenant and excluded from the listing
Legal Description
Tract 1: S/2 of League 4, Eastland County School Land, Abstract 87; 2,214 acres, more or less Tract 2: Section 35, Block 135, IH Johnson Survey, Certificate No 1410, Abstract 249; 320 acres Tract 3: Section 314, S.F. 441, M Wilhoit Survey, Abstract 2113; 234.2 Acres
Annual Taxes
Size Acres
Acreage Breakdown
Crop Info
Wheat / Base: 362.51 / Yield: 31.00
Corn / Base: 225.96 / Yield: 139.00
Grain Sorghum / Base: 152.59 / Yield: 96.00
Safflower / Base: 229.32 / Yield: 520.00
Seed Cotton / Base: 992.32 / Yield: 2,705.00
Unassigned Generic Base / Base: 248.08 / Yield: 0.00
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.
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