Standard Listing
Holt County, Nebraska
± 0
Simulcast Auction
Land For Sale!
Agents Comments:
A true once-in-a-lifetime chance to purchase top-quality pasture, hay meadow, and recreational property in north-central Nebraska. This property has been in the same family for generations, with several parcels owned for well over 100 years.
This change to purchase property of this size and accessibility doesn’t occur very often. Livestock water is more than adequate with windmills, solar wells, and bottomless tanks strategically located. The grass resource has been carefully managed for years and buyers will appreciate the care the property has been given.
Recreation opportunities on the tracts south of Springview offer timber, canyons, and spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. Available game on the property includes deer, antelope, elk, turkey, and grouse.
Keya Paha County offers come of the best grazing land in the entire state. The county is also renowned for its exceptional deer hunting.
The Barmore Ranch offers some of the very best of both!!
Call the agents for details and a showing!
Tract 1: 320 acres of summer pasture with one solar well-providing water. Good carrying capacity with great access from three sides. Located less than ½ mile east of Springview.
Tract 2: 314.67 acres of summer pasture lying adjacent to State Highway 7 and just south of Springview. Quality summer grass with good carrying capacity. Windmill and bottomless tank for livestock water.
Tract 3: 323.73 acres of quality summer pasture located 0.75 miles east of Springview along 897th Road. Nice half section of pasture with a small dam plus windmills and a bottomless tank for water.
Tract 4: 1,258.23 acres of hard grass summer pasture. High-quality summer grazing unit with one cross-fence for rotational grazing. Water is provided by three windmills and bottomless tanks. Good gravel road access along 434th Avenue. Tract 4 will be offered separately, and in combination with Tract 5, and will sell in a manner that realizes the most total dollars to the seller.
Tract 5: 1,516.48 acres of hard grass summer pasture. Will sell separately and in combination with Tract 4. Tract 5 is cross-fenced and offers three windmills for water. Trail road access along the north side. Tract 5 will be offered separately, and in combination with Tract 4, and will sell in a manner that realizes the most total dollars to the seller.
Tract 6: 1,558.02+/- acres of headquarters, hay meadow, and pasture located six miles north of Springview in central Keya Paha County. A basic set of ranch improvements including dry lots, corrals, buildings, and tree protection. High-quality hay meadow of 560+/- acres with tree belts. The balance of the acres includes summer pasture with two windmills and electric submersible wells for water. Great place for winter cows!! Tract 6 will be offered separately, and in combination with Tract 7, and will sell in a manner that realizes the most total dollars to the seller. In the event, Tracts 6 and 7 sell separately, the Buyers of Tracts 6 & 7 will be responsible for the division of the fence on the newly created property line.
Tract 7: 1,280 acres of good quality summer pasture directly adjacent to Tract 6. Cross-fenced with one windmill and two solar wells for water. High-accessible summer pasture unit with gravel road access along the west and south sides of the property. It will be offered separately, and in combination with Tract 6, and will sell in a manner that realizes the most total dollars to the seller. In the event, Tracts 6 and 7 sell separately, the Buyers of Tracts 6 & 7 will be responsible for the division of the fence on the newly created property line.
Tract 8: Highly accessible summer pasture section located two miles south of Springview and adjacent to Highway 183. Livestock water is provided by one windmill and one solar well, both with bottomless tanks. Access on three sides of the section.
Tract 9: Hunting and grazing tract with access along Highway 183. Dry Creek starts on the property, and a windmill provides livestock water. Good deer hunting opportunities. Claypit is located at the south end of the property for additional income.
Tract 10: Tremendous hunting property in a relatively small package. Just 120+/- acres of heavily timbered draws, plus one ridge top with exceptional access. Good recreation tract with potential cabin sites.
Tract 11: An exceptional recreation property with income!! Highly attractive pasture and timber with Dry creek running through the property. Lying directly adjacent to Highway 183, and only three miles south of Springview, this recreational and grazing property offers excellent recreation opportunities for the hunter, hiker, or outdoor enthusiast. Highly accessible tract with a public trail road running through the property. Cedar tree removal has been ongoing, and significant acres have been cleared for additional grazing and open space. Approximately 10+/- acres and a cabin will not be sold with the property.
Local Airports:
Ainsworth Regional Airport - runway length 5,501' x 75'
Rock County Airport in Bassett - runway length 4,700'
Stuart-Atkinson Municipal Airport in Atkinson - runway length 3900' x 60' and 2970' x 100'
Listing Information
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.
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